Can I choose specific PMS COLORS?
This chart is a reference guide only. Pantone colors on computer screens may vary based on the graphics card and monitor used in your system. For true accuracy use the Pantone Color Publication.
Can I get a detailed Challenge Coin Price Quote?

Click on the blue underlined type for examples of each Challenge Coin special feature.
Here is the price list which will explain the pricing of each additional challenge coin feature.
If you are uncertain if the extra feature is needed, leave it blank and add notes.

Challenge Coin HISTORY?

During World War I, American volunteers from all parts of the country filled the newly formed flying squadrons. Some were wealthy scions attending colleges such as Yale and Harvard who quit in mid-term to join the war. In one squadron a wealthy lieutenant ordered medallions struck in solid bronze carrying the squadron emblem for every member of his squadron. He himself carried his medallion in small leather pouch around his neck.

Shortly after acquiring the medallions, the pilot’s aircraft was severely damaged by ground fire. He was force to land behind enemy lines and was immediately captured by a German patrol. In order to discourage his escape, the Germans took all of his personal identification except for the small leather pouch around his neck. In the meantime, he was taken to a small French town near the front. Taking advantage of a bombardment that night, he escaped. However, he was without personal identification.

He succeeded in avoiding German patrols and reached the front lines. With great difficulty, he crossed no-man’s land. Eventually, he stumbled onto a French outpost. Unfortunately, the French in this sector had been plagued by saboteurs. They sometimes masqueraded as civilians and wore civilian clothes. Not recognizing the young pilot’s American accent, the French thought him a saboteur and made ready to execute him. Just in time, he remembered his leather pouch containing the medallion. He showed the medallion to his would-be executioners. His French captors recognized the squadron insignia on the medallion and delayed long enough for him to confirm his identity. Instead of shooting him, they gave him a bottle of wine.

Back at his squadron, it became a tradition to ensure that all members carried their medallion or coin at all times. This was accomplished through a challenge in the following manner: a challenger would ask to see the coin. If the challenged could not produce his coin, he was required to buy a drink of choice for the member who challenged him. If the challenged member produced his coin, the challenging member was required to pay for the drink. This tradition continued throughout the war and for many years after while surviving members of the squadron were still alive.
The fighting men and women of the 48th Intelligence Squadron proudly continue this tradition.

Operation Desert Storm

Taken from Soldiers Magazine Aug 94 Vol 49, No 8
Story by Maj. Jeanne Fraser Brooks

Within days of his liberation from a prisoner of war camp, Sgt. Troy Dunlap received two Iraqi coins from an employee of the hotel where he and the other U.S. POWs were being housed by the Red Cross following their release. “One for you and one for me,” he told Maj. Rhonda Cornum who also had been taken prisoner when their UH-60 helicopter was shot down by members of Saddam Hussein’s Republican Guard during Operation Desert Storm. “We joked that we could use them like military coins. … We planned how we would use the Iraqi money to ‘coin’ our friends when we got back to Fort Rucker,” Cornum wrote in her book, “She Went to War.”

“Coining” is a relatively new U.S. military tradition, but has roots in the Roman Empire, where coins were presented to reward achievements. In the U.S. military, the tradition goes back to the early 1960s. A member of the 11th Special Forces Group took old coins, had them over-stamped with a different emblem, then presented them to unit members, according to Roxanne Merritt, curator of the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Museum at Fort Bragg, N.C.

A former commander of the 10th SFG picked up on the idea, becoming the first to mint a unit coin for a U.S. military unit. The 10th Group remained the only Army unit with its own coin until the mid-1980s, Merritt said, when “an explosion took place and everybody started minting coins.” Originally, the coins, which bear the unit crest on the front and whatever design the unit wants on the back, were given out by commanders and sergeants major to recognize outstanding acts performed by soldiers in the course of duty.

“They’re a real morale booster,” said Duvall, “and tell the soldier, ‘you’re a member of our unit’ which builds unit cohesion. The soldiers carry their credit card, driver’s license and unit coin – their wallets are permanently deformed.” Don Phillips, a former commander of the 20th SFG, designed a coin for his unit and presented it to his soldiers when he retired. “Another unit asked me to make a coin for them, and then another, so I went into business making them,” said Phillips. To date, Phillips has made coins for “between 600 and 700 units.” The tradition has spread to the other services and is even being adopted by paramilitary units like the U.S. Marshall’s SWAT team, according to Phillips.

The proliferation of coins and their availability to the general public in post gift shops has caused Dr. Joseph Fisher, Special Operations Command historian, to view them as “not as special as they used to be; there are so many of them out there now.” But that doesn’t stop Fisher from carrying his with him at all times.

Making the coins available for purchase has added yet another dimension to the tradition – collecting. SMA Richard A. Kidd has approximately 300 of the coins on display in his office “museum.” He has even issued an open invitation to soldiers visiting the Washington, D.C., area to stop by his office “even when I’m not here” to see his collection of unit memorabilia.

According to Phillips, World War II soldiers were given a coin when they mustered out of the service.

But it wasn’t until the Vietnam era that a “challenge-response” was added to the tradition of giving unit members a coin. The initial challenge was to prove membership in a particular unit by producing the unit coin.

That was followed by the addition of the requirement to “buy a round” if a soldier didn’t have the coin. “Buying a round isn’t the only challenge these days,” said Phillips. “Drinking is frowned on, so the challenge can be anything. If you don’t have your coin, you get the detail.” Kidd still uses the original premise in distributing coins and carries some with him whenever he travels. “It’s a way to immediately recognize above-and-beyond – the-call-of-duty actions on the part of a soldier when you’re in the field,” said Kidd.

Boer War in 1899 

Some accounts go back to Britain’s Boer War in 1899 that brought about the tradition of awarding coins.

Challenge Coin Order Types and what they mean

Today’s Date
Rush order – Fastest possible turnaround, usually 21 days or less.                                                               
(Less than 21 days)

NO Sample – means you approve artwork online and proceed with full production.
(25-35 days)________________________________________________
WITH SAMPLE – means you approve artwork online and receive a sample coin image or physical sample coin prior to proceeding with full production.

Changing anything about the coin die after sample production will mean a new die charge.
(Changing both sides means a new full die charge, changing one side means half a new die charge.)

REORDER – Cannot be rushed. They are generally faster in turnaround time as the dies are already created. Reorders usually take 28 days or less to complete.

Challenge Coin PRODUCTION time?

All dates shown above allow for three days for artwork turnaround, with a prompt approval of the challenge coin artwork. Artwork is posted for your approval within 7-10 days for FREE artwork without a commitment, or 24 hours of receipt of the order formThe above time frame is a general turnaround time for an order that does not involve any issues, such die breakage (to remake a die, takes 1-2 days,) or any problems that may arise.

We want you to have the best coins possible, please give us the courtesy of ordering sooner, than later. Each additional feature on a challenge coin adds additional time to a basic order. Basic order are done in produciton much sooner than more complex orders.

Challenge Coin RULES?

“coin check” consists of a challenge and a response.


a. The challenge is initiated by drawing your coin, holding it in the air by whatever means possible and state, scream, shout or otherwise verbally acknowledge that you are initiating a coin check. Another, but less vocal method is to firmly place it on the bar, table, Or floor (this should produce an audible noise which can be easily heard by those being challenged, but try not to leave a permanent imprint). If you accidentally drop your coin and it makes an audible sound upon impact, then you have just “accidentally” initiated a coin check. (This is called paying the price for improper care of your coin.”

b. The response consists of all those persons being challenged drawing their coin in a like manner (other organizational coins are invalid). You must produce a coin with YOUR UNIT’S LOGO on it.

c. If you are challenged and are unable to properly respond, you must buy a round of drinks for the challenger and the group being challenged.

d. If everyone being challenged responds in the correct manner, the challenger must buy a round of drinks for all those people he challenged.

e. Failure to buy a round is a despicable crime and will require that you turn-in your Coin to the issuing agency.

2. Coin checks are permitted, ANY TIME, ANY PLACE.

3. There are no exceptions to the rules. They apply to those clothed or unclothed. At the time of the challenge you are permitted one step and an arms reach to locate your coin. If you still cannot reach it — SORRY ABOUT THAT!

4. A Coin is a coin. Coins attached on belt buckles are considered “belt buckles.” Coins on key chains are considered “key chains.” Coins placed in a “holder/clasp” and worn around the neck like a necklace are valid and are considered a coin. Challenge coins



Custom Doubloons – Mardi Gras – coinable.com
Custom Tokens – coinable.com
Order Custom Challenge Coins – coinable.com
Challenge Coin Order Types and what they mean – Coinable Custom Coins
Place an Challenge Coin ORDER? – Coinable Custom Coins

Do you have a COIN TEMPLATE to design a coin?

Let’s make a coin template from a coin design idea and turn it into a Custom Coin.

We have created a Microsoft Powerpoint presentation template for your use when designing your custom coin. Just right click on the link below and save target as…

Send your images, ideas, template to: contact us for customized & personalized coins


Take a look at this challenge coin slide show for a review of basic coin making ideas?

PDF version of the Challenge Coin Slide Show

How do I SEND ARTWORK to coinable.com?

Artwork can only be as good as you provide. Simply because the art file is an EPS or JPG format does not mean it will be clean and useable. Faxed, scanned or artwork which as been reproduced numerous times will not improve and will not look its best without additional clean up efforts. We reserve the right to refuse any artwork that will not meet our standards of product quality when reproduced with our equipment.

Delays can occur in production when artwork is provided in the wrong format. Time can be lost with efforts to convert files that are submitted without following guidelines below. Please contact us if you have any questions about the format requirements.

If you would like some ideas or need certain military pictures for your coins, please click the sites below and they might be helpful.

I have NO DESIGN in mind can coinable.com help?

Our graphics department can use the information you supply for your challenge coinproject and take it to the next level. We recreate all artwork that is submitted to make your coin, coinable. A term used by die engravers when the coin design is reproducible as a coin. Our graphic designers have years of experience with creating challenge coins.

Continue to requested files to read how to prepare your files for our needs.

If you do not have a design in mind we can help.

We do offer a Custom Coin Design Templates to assist with your challenge coin design previous to submitting your order.

Place an Challenge Coin ORDER?

Here is a great place to start reading about custom coins.
When you are ready to begin the artwork phase of creating a custom coin, complete a challenge coin quote form. Order forms can be sent via fax 623-266-7318, or scan and email a copy to

EFT is a draft directly from the checking account, no need to send a check!

Make checks and money orders payable to: coinable.com
Mail a copy of the order form along with the check.